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Agency Explainers

Affordable housing policy and funding takes place across all levels of government, but the federal government is both the largest funder and sets the baseline for much of our housing policy. While Congress passes federal laws and budgets, it is the responsibility of the administrative agencies to write rules and regulations and to enforce those laws. Below is a set of explainer documents outlining the structure, jurisdiction, and policies, primarily related to rental housing, of many of the federal agencies that impact housing policy.

A group of protesters outside the HUD building - HUD Explained

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides the majority of funding and assistance for housing from the federal government across a variety of programs including public housing, housing choice vouchers, and more


An independent agency established by Congress in the wake of the financial crisis, the FHFA has regulatory oversight over Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, 11 Federal Home Loan Banks
(“FHLBs”), and the Office of Finance.

What does the USDA do? USDA building

The USDA is  responsible for developing and executing laws and programs in “food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues.” It also has jurisdiction to enact a variety of farmworker rental and homeownership options.

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