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HUD Explainers

Advocate resources on the structures, jurisdictions and policies of HUD-funded programs.


Federal agencies like HUD & their Public Housing, Housing Choice Vouchers, Emergency Solutions Grants & CDBG programs enforce laws and write rules and regulations impacting housing justice advocacy & policy at all levels.

Community Development Block Grants

Under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, HUD gives annual grants to states
and localities to fund housing and other community development activities.

Project-Based Vouchers

Project-Based Vouchers (PBV) are a type of Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) that are attached to a
specific unit.

Housing Trust Fund

The National Housing Trust Fund (HTF) provides funding to states to build, rehabilitate, and
preserve housing.

Housing Choice Vouchers

The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, commonly referred to as Section 8, is the single largest source of federal rental assistance.

Emergency Solutions Grants

This program is designed to provide assistance to people who are either homeless
or at risk of homelessness.

Public Housing

The traditional public housing program was created in 1937 and has nearly 1 million units nationwide. Public housing is administered by local public housing authorities, which receive funds from HUD.

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